Wednesday, May 15, 2013

BTT: Format

Format (from Booking Through Thursday)
1. Do you prefer to read hard cover or paperback books?
2. Why?
3. Do you read books in the other format anyway?

I will read any format.  Hardcover, paperback, ebook...whatever way I can get my hands on a book, I'll read it.  I have no preference because both formats have their advantages and disadvantages.  Paperbacks are generally lighter and floppier for laying on a table to read without holding them; but they get so easily damaged transporting between work and home.  They are flimsier.  Hardcovers are sturdier, more durable, and retain their shape the longest.  When it comes to buying books for my personal library, I prefer hardcovers because they hold up to wear and tear and aging better than a paperback.  They last longer.

Read on,

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