Friday, November 22, 2013

BTT: Children's books

Children's books (from Booking Through Thursday)

  1. As an adult, do you own children’s books?
  2. If you do, do you still read them even when there are no children around?
  3. What were your favorites as a child? Now?
Yes, I may be an adult but I do own children's books.  I own some from when I was a kid and some I have bought as an adult.  I think the best children's book writers are the ones that can write books that appeal to all ages.

Since I am a child-free woman, I read all of my children's books without children around...unless I am at the library where there are children in the vicinity.

As a child, one of my favourite stories was "The Five Chinese Brothers" by Claire Hutchet Bishop from the 10-book Collier's Junior Classics set.  I also loved a lot of the Golden Books series and the Barbapapa series.

Now, as an adult, I like the Scaredy Squirrel series by Melanie Watt.  I love Oliver Jeffers (especially "The Heart and the Bottle"), Nick Bland and Nicholas Oldland.  I loved the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling and enjoyed the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan.  And I've previously mentioned the Neil Flambé series by Kevin Sylvester.  I don't read a lot of children's books now unless the cover art or title strikes my fancy.  But working acquisitions and cataloguing in a public library means I have more exposure to them than some.

Read on,

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